Teens and Preteens

Join TACOS! 

TACOS stands for Teen Advisory Council of Students. The group is open to students that are in 5th-12th grade, TACOS advises the Young Adult Librarian about programming and events, what books/movies/kits/etc. should be in the collection, and other youth related items. TACOS also plans their own event, start to finish, in the spring. Applications are available here and must be turned in to Laura at the library by September 13th. 

What else is happening?

- Check the calendar to see all of the upcoming teen and pre-teen events.

- Sign up for our newsletter for teen and preteen events here.

- The pre-teen book club (grades 5-8) meets at 6:30 on the first Wednesday of the month, and the teen book club (grades 8 and up) meets at 6:30 on the second Thursday of the month. Check the calendar for this month's book.

Reading Resources for Students

Studying Resources for Students